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Insight Software Screenshots - Tanning

Insight Tanning Management Software Tanning Services set up
Tanning Services – Insight allows for all types of specialized tanning services to allow total flexibility for any business providing UV or spray tanning services.
Insight Software Management Tanning Packages Screen Shot
Tanning Packages – Set up all your tanning packages based on number of minutes, number of sessions or unlimited. Packages can be set to expire whenever you choose or not at all.
Tanning Package Redemption
Tanning Packages – Track remaining sessions or minutes, plus sell & redeem tanning packages with ease!
Insight Software Tanning Bed Setup Management
Tanning Bed Setup – Insight tracks each beds bulb life and also allows for beds linked to T-Max Timers to be set up and controlled from the front desk.
Insight Software Tanning Management System
Wait List – Easily monitor the status of all your beds being controlled by the T-Max Manager through Insight. You can see all the beds that require cleaning and also view clients waiting for specific beds.
Tanning Package Report
Reports – Run tanning-specific or business-wide reports to analyze performance, identify strengths, and find areas for growth.

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